TKID 14234260
Tendering Authority Government E Marketplace(GEM)
Description : Supply Of Agarosespecial, Loweeo 500g,ethidium Bromide 5g,tris Hydrochloride 1kg,edta Disodium Salt Dihydrate 1kg,acetic Acid Glacial 2_5l,luria Bertani Broth, Miller 500g,luria Bertani Agar Miller 500g,magnesium Chloride Anhydrous 500g,sodium Chloride 500g,potassium Permanganate 500g,formaldehyde So L37-4 Percent Hi Annual Repair 500ml,rifampicin 5g,metaloop Ss _2 08 Per Pk,l-spreader 50 Per Pk,sodium Hydroxide Pellets 500g,sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Sds 1kg,potassium Acetate 500g,phenolsolution 500ml,chloroform 2_5 L,isoamyl Alcohol 500ml,syringe Driven Filters Pvdf 0_22_50 No,poly Ethyleneglycol Mw 8000 500 G,r Nase A 100mg,diluentfor Dna Extraction Ethanol 500ml,xylane Cyanol Ff 5g,bromophenol 25g,gelpurificationkit Qiaquickgel 50rxn
Location Multi city, Multi State, India
Estimated Cost INR 0.00
EMD INR 0.00
Doc Cost INR 0.00
Last Date for Submission 2025-02-12
Opening Date 0000-00-00
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